
Curriculum Intent Statement

At Southgate School, our goal is to prepare our students to achieve the best possible grades so they can go on to succeed both academically and professionally. We will help them develop the social and academic skills and instil in them values that will enable them to thrive and contribute to the wider community. Our vision is ‘Excellence For All’ and what this means for both staff and students is made explicit through assemblies, high profile displays around the school, the way we teach and the curriculum we offer.

Our students will experience a curriculum that:            

  1. Develops curiosity and critical thinking.
  2. Helps students become more resilient: to deal with failure so that they are better prepared to face challenges in the future.
  3. Teaches our young people the very best of what has been said and done.
  4. Prepares students for the next stage in their lives; from one Key Stage to another or to the world of work or university.
  5. Develops in our students respect and appreciation for those who are different from themselves, an understanding of the rule of law and a belief in the merits of a liberal democracy.
  6. Teaches everyone how to stay safe through being able to make informed decisions.

Staff model the behaviours we want to see in others in our day-to-day interactions with students and through our rules and high expectations. Our rich and relevant PSHE programme, thriving House system and assemblies help us to foster a cohesive school environment that reinforces our vision and values.

While our curriculum offer is academic, it is also broad and balanced. We believe in Excellence For All which means that no matter what a student’s ability is, effort is what ignites that ability and turns it into accomplishment. To this end, we have the same expectations of all students: that they try hard to become the very best that they can be.

We have curriculum pathways to match the different needs of our students at each key stage.

Our values are high profile around the school and our expectations are made explicit to parents and students alike in the Home School Agreement when they join our school.

Individual subjects have set out their own rationale for teaching core skills and knowledge in the curriculum links.