
Rewards and House System


At Southgate School our rewards policy is intrinsic to our identity and vision; we believe that our students have one chance at an excellent education. Praise is a key component of good teaching and of good staff/student relationships; praise needs to be used appropriately and linked to tangible examples of a student’s strengths. Recognition and rewards are a pre-requisite to ensuring that all students reach their full potential.

At the heart of our rewards system is the awarding of achievement points on Epraise; certificates and other rewards arise as a consequence of the accumulation of these points.

Students will be given points for the following:

  • Excellence in class/home learning and excellent contributions
  • Exhibiting excellent behaviour
  • Participating fully in lessons
  • Helping others


House System

The House System at Southgate School fosters a sense of community, camaraderie and healthy competition.  We aim to give each student the opportunity to take part in a range of activities and be rewarded for their hard work and excellence in academic studies and in extra-curricular activities.
All achievement points generate points for the relevant Tutor Group and House, and inter-house competitions contribute to this. House Award Assemblies are held every half term to celebrate achievements and success in ‘Excellence, Improvement, Community and School Activity. 

Achievement points are visible to students and their parents\carers on line through Epraise, which also provides details of when the points were awarded, what they were for and who awarded them.  Details of how to access Epraise are available on the school website.

The naming of the Houses was democratically decided by staff and students; Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Each Head of House is assisted by House representatives from the student body who are members of the Student Leadership Team. They organise regular events, competitions and fundraising activities.

Milestones and Pledges

Southgate School students should also strive to achieve the Southgate Pledge which can be awarded for achievements and participation outside of lessons and are worth 25 points. Students can work towards achieving milestones; there are 6 milestones to attain.

Students can also be awarded Pledges in Years 7 – 11; each Pledge is worth 25 points and students can achieve different milestones through the Pledges:

  • Participate in extra-curricular activities
  • Participate in enrichment activities
  • Attendance and Punctuality
  • Offer a help and support to their peers
  • Take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award
  • Be nominated as a Student of the Week
  • Take part in school competitions
  • Work independently in their subjects
  • Take part in student leadership activities
  • Present to an audience
  • Be actively involved in a community event
  • Help with the sustainability of the school
  • Be an Ambassador for the school

At Southgate School we have four Houses. . All students in the House system are issued with their own House badge which they wear with pride.

House Points 1