A Level Results 2017
Posted on: August 17th 2017Congratulations to our A Level students for their remarkable results which are just reward for two years of very hard work. At a time of significant changes to A Levels which has seen the bar raised and many subjects dealing with new specifications, we are delighted by the successes of so many students, 13 of whom gained straight A*s, As or their equivalent. These students have secured places at top universities such as Cambridge, LSE and Durham and others are going on to study medicine and veterinary science. Over 90% of our students have now secured places at university.
Some of our individual students’ success stories include:
Matthew Hewson will be studying History at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge University after gaining A*A*A grades.
Victoria Hall gained A*A*A and will be studying Veterinary Medicine at Nottingham University.
Joe Lownds gained A*A*A and will be studying English Literature at Durham University.
Keven Ercin also gained A*A*A grades and will be studying History at LSE.
Kris Miltiadou will be studying Mathematics at Warwick University after gained an A* in Maths, an A* in Further Maths and an A in Physics.
Barbara Pavlou gained 3 A grades and has earned a place studying Medicine at King’s College London.
Sophie Grant’s grades of A*AA have earned her a place studying Drama Studies and English at Sussex University.
Jessica Turner also gained A*AA grades and is going to study Biology at Leeds University.
George Meeks will be studying Music at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama.
We experienced considerable success in our vocational subjects. Every student on the Cambridge Technical Double Media course gained a double Distinction* grade.
Daniaal Ali gained 2 Distinction* grades in Media and a Distinction in IT and will be studying Business Management at Westminster University.
John Carrigy, Head of Sixth Form, commented: “It has been a privilege working with and getting to know our sixth formers so well these past two years and it is very rewarding to see another bumper set of A Level results. Southgate Sixth Formers are an industrious and determined group of young people who will, I am sure, go on to play very positive roles in society in the years to come. We wish them well.”
Well done to everyone involved in these results; we wish our class of 2017 every success and happiness in the next stage of their education or career.