Enfield Music Service - Spring Term Music Lessons
Posted on: November 6th 2020Parents are now able to book Music lessons and activities for the Spring Term 2021 from the Music Store: https://traded.enfield.gov.uk/musicstore
The deadline for bookings is Monday 7th December.
Important information for School Funded Pupils (FSM, Pupil Premium)
The updated and editable version of the school funding/FSM form which parents of new pupils will need the school to complete by way of confirming their funding support can be found under the 'news' tab and then 'letters home'. Parents are now required to upload the completed form before being able to book lessons. Any pupils who have already uploaded a confirmation form from the school will not be asked to upload a new one until the end of the academic year.
For more information and guidance please have a look at our FAQs: https://traded.enfield.gov.uk/musicservice/faqs. You can contact us at enfieldmusicservice@enfield.gov.uk