Posted on: February 17th 2016On Wednesday 10th February our lead learners had the privilege to listen to Michael Obiora talk and answer questions. Michael is a very successful actor, having played roles in Luther, Doctor Who, Fortitude, Hotel Babylon and Casualty. He has also starred in plays and written plays and 2 books, yet is only 29 years old. Michael spoke to our students about his life in acting and how his hard work and effort has put him into the position he is in today. He gave them an insight into acting and also spoke about his own personal interests. Michael also spoke about diversity in the acting world and how this has improved over the last decade. Michael grew up in North London and went to a nearby comprehensive so was easily able to relate to our students and them to him. He was engaging, fun and ‘cool’ in the words of some students. I know his talk has helped inspire and motivate our students and to show them how hard work pays off. Michael was also very impressed with the maturity of our students and their open mindedness. He was also delighted to realise how much they appreciated the importance of diversity in our multi-cultural society.
Michael came to speak to us as part of the promotion of the ‘creativity and arts in state school campaign’. We are delighted to have had another great external speaker to help guide and motivate our students following on from other inspiring speakers. Michael stayed for half an hour after his talk to sign autographs. We were privileged to host and our students were privileged to hear from a great actor and thoroughly decent man.