Gaelic Football Tournament
Posted on: May 19th 2016On Saturday 14th May, Miss O'Neill and Mrs Foster, brought a group of year 8 girls to their first ever Gaelic Football Tournament hosted at St.Paul's Academy , Abbeywood, London. The tournament was the first International GAA tournament in London for u-14 teams and had teams travelling from Ireland and within London.
The girls traveled down to St. Paul's Academy to play two games against a well established St. Paul's Team. St. Paul's Academy based in South London, was a previous teaching school of Miss O'Neill.
The year 8 girls have only been introduced to Gaelic Football shortly after the Easter break and they did 4-5 training sessions after school learning the rules and skills of the game. The 11 girls that traveled on Saturday represented Southgate School very well and they left with a very positive fun sporting day, they have been enjoying learning the new sport and experiencing the Irish Sporting Culture for the first time. This was a little piece of history created on Saturday with Southgate School taking part in their first ever GAA game.
Miss O'Neill will continue to run Gaelic Football for the girls after school for the rest of the year and plan to play a few more games before the end of the season.
Huge thank you to Mrs Foster for transporting and taking time to get the girls to and from the tournament early on Saturday morning, thank you.
There will be a write up in the local 'The Irish World' Newspaper (London) later this week.